CCF Coffee Hour Well Attended

The first “CCF Coffee Hour” was enjoyed by fifty people this past Thursday at Central Perk. With background acoustic guitar provided by Josh Romine and Patrick O’Sullivan, Art from David and , and historical photos and maps compliments of the Society for History, the assembled crowd spent two hours just enjoying the Culture of Central. This was the first public event hosted by the Central Cultural Foundation.

The next CCF Coffee Hour will be at 7 PM on Thursday, July 26th, also at Central Perk, whose staff stayed late to provide their usual tasty assortment of coffees, pastries and sandwiches. This first Coffee Hour was purely a “Meet and Greet” where persons interested in Centrals rich history and talented Arts community could gather and enjoy the culture and the conversation. Watch the newspaper for details about the next CCF Coffee Hour. A few candids of the event are in the slide show below.


The CCF Coffee Hour: A New and Unique Central Experience

Come out to Central Perk next Thursday evening, July 12th, at 7PM for music, art and discussion of Central History.  The newly established Central Cultural Foundation (CCF) is hosting the “CCF Coffee Hour” as a way to encourage and promote appreciation of the arts and history found in Central.

Local husband and wife artists David and Karen McCormick will display some of their art and will be on hand to visit.  Meanwhile, Central musician Josh Romine will provide acoustic guitar music during the event and there will be Central historical information and maps on display as discussion starters for those interested in the roots of the community.

This is an informal evening of visiting and cultural appreciation so drop by any time between 7 and 8:30, spend a few minutes looking and listening, and enjoy a cup of coffee or a sandwich or pastry from Central Perk’s kitchen.  This will be the first of two “CCF Coffee Hours” in July, the second scheduled for 7PM on Thursday, July 26th also at Central Perk.

Gathering Together the Culture of Central

Commentary by Dave Freneaux
    Before I lose anyone’s attention, remember to come out to the “CCF Coffee Hour” at 7PM next Thursday, July 12th at Central Perk.  Now I will tell you why.
Central has a fairly new Community Theatre group, but the people of Central have been acting for generations.  Central has a new Community Chorus, but the people of Central have been singing for over 200 years.  Central’s Art League was formed in 2008, but artists have been creating art in Central as long as there have been people living here.  My point is, Culture is not new IN Central, culture is simply new in the NAME of Central.
      What we are seeing is a “Gathering Together”, as a community.  This gathering started in the name of our School System, continued in the name of the City of Central, and is now expanding to include a formal support of Culture.  The Central Cultural Foundation (CCF) was formed in recent months to promote the enjoyment of The Arts and the preservation of History in the Central area.  This is just the next step in the “gathering” of Culture in the NAME of Central.
    Hats off to the founders of the Central Community Theatre, the Art League of Central and the Central Community Chorus.  BIG thanks are owed to Vicki Carney and the Central/Greenwell Springs Area Society of History who have done so much over the years to preserve the story of Central’s beginnings.  Finally, we all appreciate the culture brought to us by the various businesses and studios that have brought dance, music and other arts to our children over the years.
    One vision of the Central Cultural Foundation (CCF) is to help support and facilitate the “Gathering of Culture” and showcasing it for the people of Central.  We don’t have a movie theater, but next Thursday evening Central has something better…real culture.  Stop in for the “CCF Coffee Hour” at Central Perk between 7 and 8 PM and have a cup of coffee, listen to acoustic guitar, visit with local artists, and talk Central History with our local experts.  There will be a second CCF Coffee Hour on July 26th.  If this is well received you can expect the CCF Coffee Hour to be a very regular “Gathering of Culture” in Central.  Now THAT…is Good News for a Great City.

Welcome to the Central Cultural Foundation (CCF) website

We are excited about the efforts so far in establishing the CCF as a group of volunteers works to develop the CCF to promote History, Culture and The Arts in the Central area.  Check back here for details on how to become involved and what events the CCF will be supporting and sponsoring in the Central area.

We refer to the “Central Area” because the community’s roots extend beyond the boundaries of the City of Central.  Greenwell Springs, Pride, Baywood and all of the communities north of the City are as much a part of the history and culture as anything within the city limits.  Many of our families have their roots in this area and the City of Central is developing as a cultural and commercial focus for all of this “Greater Central Area”.

Email us at [email protected] or call the office of Ti Barnes at 225-262-2212 for more information.

Central Cultural Foundation Organized

By Mia Freneaux

When the Art League of Central, The Central/Greenwell Springs Area Society of History, and the Central Community Theatre all expressed a need for some venue in which to perform or exhibit, added to the formation of the Arts Council for the City at the behest of Mayor Mac Watts, the time was ripe for the formation of the Central Cultural Foundation.  The CCF is dedicated to supporting and promoting the history, culture, and arts of our community.   With their first meeting held only a little over a month ago, this group of motivated individuals is already in the process of applying for non-profit status with the IRS, has created by-laws, and has appointed a Board of Directors.  The stated mission of this organization begins “To Provide a venue for museum display and an educational centre focusing upon historical, cultural and visual and performing arts in the City of Central.”

During the formation process, the Central Cultural Foundation determined that its ten member Board of Directors should be a working Board, with each member assigned specific duties to perform.  The first Board consists of newly elected officers, Chairman – Dave Freneaux of Central Speaks, Vice Chairman – Attorney Ti Barnes, Treasurer – Forte & Tablada engineer Jason Ellis and Secretary – Realtor and Central Cornerstone Lee Rome.  At-Large Board Members are Mayor’s Assistant David Barrow, Title Insurance Marketing Representative Angie Rabalais, Magnolia Construction project manager Jon Simmons, and Central Councilman Aaron Moak, owner of Computer Evolutions.  Also on the Board are Stephanie Faucette representing the Arts Council and Vicki Carney representing the Historical Society.

The CCF is open to all who wish to volunteer their time to any number of tasks, including artifact collection and preservation, fund raising, membership, grant writing, and event planning.  It is exciting to think that our history, the visual arts, the performing arts, all 3 of Central’s dance studios, and any other group interested in participating whose goals fall under the CCF’s provenance now have a place to go for grant writing, event support and planning, and venue potentials.  Central has a rich and wonderful history and a vibrant and growing arts community.  To have all of these aspects of our community life represented and supported in a fashion to guarantee their future success says much about our priorities.

The Central Cultural Foundation is now planning their first activity, which will be the “CCF Coffee Hour” to be held on the second and fourth Thursdays in July at 7PM at Central Perk.  These events will be free family oriented opportunities to get out and meet with other culturally interested individuals to experience various forms of our culture and arts in a live venue.  More details to follow in upcoming editions.  To volunteer, or to get more information on the CCF, please call the office of Ti Barnes at 262-2212 or email the CCF at [email protected].

Central’s History is OUR Responsibility

Commentary by Dave Freneaux
    The photographs, documents, letters and artifacts that tell the story of the history of Central are, for the most part, being carefully preserved by the Baby Boomers and our parents.  As the years roll by this group grows smaller, and with each passing a little piece of the history of Central passes with them.  In many cases, we lose individuals who have spent many years collecting, documenting and preserving photos, documents and artifacts from the early days of the Central area.  But take heart, help is on the way.
    The creation of the Central Cultural Foundation (see press release on page 1) is certainly a timely happening in Central.  Vicki Carney and others have done a heroic job in trying to collect and preserve as much Central history as possible, and they are now welcoming the help that the CCF promises to be.  I challenge everyone to consider doing two things.  First, read the press release from the CCF and consider how you might get involved in one of the many areas this foundation seeks to support.  Second, and maybe most important, begin to consider making the pieces of Central history in your possession available to the History Society to scan, copy or preserve.
    Central has a window of opportunity to identify and preserve our history.  Watch Central Speaks for more announcements from the Central Cultural Foundation.  In the meantime consider the following as significant sources of Central history:  Family Bibles, old letters, family genealogies, old yearbooks, old newspaper clippings, photos, and artifacts.  One valuable resource is our most senior family and neighbors.  Consider making video or audio recordings of your parents or grandparents just talking about the good old days, remembering their childhood or talking about THEIR grandparents.  The preservation of Central’s history is OUR responsibility.  Consider pitching in.

Central Cultural Foundation Established

Volunteers needed to preserve Central’s history and promote the arts
    With all of the new and exciting things going on in Central, some people may not be aware of the area’s rich and varied history spanning many generations. There are also multiple groups and individuals who are actively involved in all areas of the performing and visual arts. History and the arts are a vital component of the quality of life in any community; with this in mind, the Central Cultural Foundation has been established. The CCF is a non-profit foundation whose purpose is to promote and support historical preservation, artistic expression and appreciation, and the development of a cultural identity in the greater Central community. The foundation is inviting all of the existing history and arts groups (and interested individuals) to come together and work toward common goals which benefit each group and the Central Community as a whole. Two of the initial efforts of the foundation will be to establish an Arts Council with representatives from all area arts organizations, and to promote and expand the Central/Greenwell Springs Area Historical Society. There are small informal groups and many community members who have a wealth of historical information which needs to be preserved and shared with the Central community.
    This is a major undertaking with unlimited potential, whose success will be determined by the volunteers who will make it happen. Whether your interest is History, Genealogy, Theater, Music, Dance or Fine Art, we encourage you to contact us and get involved – we need your input, especially in these formative stages. Even if you have no particular “area” of interest, but simply see this as a benefit to the Central Community and you want to help, there will be a place for everyone. Please contact Ti Barnes at 262-2212 or [email protected], Angie Rabalais at [email protected], or Lee Rome at [email protected] for more information. Watch the local papers for updates on the progress of the Central Cultural Foundation – we are excited about this newest opportunity for Central to unite behind an effort that can bring benefits for generations to come.